iCarly Wiki

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iCarly Wiki
iCarly Wiki
Parody First Mentioned/Shown In Parody Of
Splashface iPilot YouTube
Randy-chewitz Matzah iSpy a Mean Teacher Manischewitz Matzah
Randy-Yo's iSpy a Mean Teacher Cheerios
Twin Mints iWill Date Freddie Thin Mints
Girl Sprouts iWill Date Freddie Girl Scouts
The Jonas Book of World Records iWant a World Record The Guinness Book of World Records
Bandana Republic iAm Your Biggest Fan Bananna Republic
Galaxy Wars iHeart Art Star Wars
Chips A'Soy iHeart Art Chips Ahoy
Zaplook iHatch Chicks Google
Chickapedia iHatch Chicks Wikipedia
Yellow Day iDon't Want to Fight Green Day
pearPhone iPromote Techfoots iPhone
Skybucks Coffee iGot Detention StarBucks Coffee
Scarlett's Web iGot Detention Charlottes Webb
Pirates of the Lima-Bean iStakeout Pirates of the Carribbean
Build-a bra iFence Build-a Bear
Tingling Brothers Circus iFence Ringling Brothers Circus
TVS iCarly Saves TV CBS
Cheesecake Warehouse iWin a Date Cheesecake Factory
pearPod iHave a Lovesick Teacher iPod
pearTunes iHave a Lovesick Teacher iTunes
Webflix iStage an Intervention Netflix
PackRat iStage an Intervention Pac-Man
SendEx iGo to Japan FedEx
Craigsmix.com iGive Away a Car Craigslist.com
America Sings iRocked the Vote American Idol
Magic Meatball iMeet Fred Magic 8-Ball
Pee-Wee Babies iDate a Bad Boy Beanie Babies
Sham-Pow iDate a Bad Boy Sham-Wow
The Dingo Channel iTake on Dingo The Disney Channel
Robbie Flame iCook Bobby Flay